This project explores the Biographical and Autobiographical representation of Jean Rhys, with a particular focus on the representation of Jean Rhys as an outsider in Lilian Pizzichini’s The Blue Hour.
Using up-to-date linguistic and geospatial digital technologies, this project explores Jean Rhys’ representation in The Blue Hour and compares this with biographical and autobiographical insights. To find out more about who we are, take a look at our Team Page.
Who was Jean Rhys?
Jean Rhys had interesting and varied life. Born in 1890 on the Caribbean island of Dominica, Jean Rhys’ cultural background set her apart from many of the contemporary writers of the period.
Known for her ‘nomadic and bohemian life’ (Stanley, 1) she additionally lived in places such as Paris, Vienna and London. It was her life in Paris, which led to her meeting with Ford Madox Ford, that was to prove most influential to her writing career.
This is just a brief snapshot of this incredible woman’s life story and to read more, take a look at our bibliography.