The Team

Kenny Diamond

Kenny is completing an MA in Philosophy and Scottish Literature at the University of Edinburgh. For his final year he is writing a dissertation on the impact of Scottish Devoultuion on 1980’s and 90’s Scottish fiction. Aside from Portraying the Outsider, highlights of the course have been the collaborative aspect of sharing ideas and experiences, learning new tools and finding new methods of approaching the study of the humanities. For Portraying the Outsider, Kenny considered Carole Angier’s Jean Rhys: Life and Work in comparison to The Blue Hour. In his research, he utilized Voyant and AntConc software to investigate the different approaches to writing a biography. Following graduation, Kenny will be pursuing a career in digital marketing. His site can be found at


Rebecca Dickson

Rebecca is completing an MA in German and English Literature at the University of Edinburgh. She is currently completing her dissertation for German on the use of alienation and division as a basis for comedy in 20th and 21st century German film, which has proven to be advantageous whilst working on Portraying the Outsider. In regards to the digital humanities, Rebecca is fascinated by the diversity of the field, as shown by its crossover into fields like history, geography and translation. The collaborative nature of the field, and its strong presence on social media has also been a source of interest. For Portraying the Outsider, Rebecca has been considering how Jean Rhys portrayed herself as an outsider in her unfinished autobiography Smile Please in comparison to Pizzichini’s portrayal of Rhys in The Blue Hour. In addition she has conducted textual analysis of The Blue Hour in regards to word frequency using the softwares Voyant and AntConc. Rebecca has also been responsible for maintaining the site’s menu layout and theme.

Anthony Friel

12347832_967347279978113_9055713522776924318_n (1)Anthony is completing an MA Joint Honours in Philosophy and English Literature at the University of Edinburgh and is a prospective MSc Cognitive Science postgraduate student. Anthony’s forthcoming final year dissertation is a study on the implications of possible emergent Consciousness in artificial general intelligence and other potential advancements in Deep Learning Artificial Neural Nets, Neuromorphic Computer Hardware Engineering and related technologies. After four years of explicitly computer technology focused interests in his degree, the greatest revelation of this project for Anthony was that there is in fact a living active movement towards the integration of computer and information technologies in the study of the humanities. While formal education in the humanities within higher education is still often a sort of arcane and distinctly non technological affair, Literary Criticism especially still being a very traditional celebration at the altar of the codex book, this project has served as an excellent practical learning experience in how the application of information technologies to the discipline is not theoretical or speculative but relevant and uniquely useful here and now.

Jack Howard

11060333_415089132001746_4538797498235973990_oJack is completing an MA in English Literature at the University of Edinburgh. He is currently writing his dissertation on the influence of jazz and blues music on black American literature. Digital Humanities has been a challenge for Jack, but equally a rewarding opportunity. The class has offered him a new perspective on literature and the humanities in general, and he has enjoyed the project Portraying the Outsider. Jack was responsible for overviewing the biographies section of the site and summarizing the results of the site. Jack also worked on geographical analysis using CartoDB, and was particularly grateful for the mapping section of the course, as it was unlike anything else he’d learned at university. After graduating, Jack will move back to the United States and live in Detroit, Michigan.

dh picLaura Karpyte

Laura is currently completing an MA in German and English Literature at the University of Edinburgh and plans to continue her studies by doing MSc by Research in German Studies. She is enthusiastic about languages and literature and her main academic interests lie in German medieval literature. Throughout the last semester she has discovered the potential of Digital Humanities and is focused on learning more about the tools and methods used in this field in order to integrate them into her research. In the Portraying the Outsider project she is responsible for introducing the tools used in the project, geographical analysis of The Blue Hour using QGIS and biographical representation of Jean Rhys in Coral Ann Howells’ biography. She has also contributed to proofreading the geographical data from The Blue Hour used for geographical analysis.

 Belinda Sarstedt             

Belinda 11755147_10207866022596908_2053808286299477249_nis completing an MA in English Literature at the University of Edinburgh. She is currently completing her dissertation on the portrayal of child and adult figures in Edwardian Literature. As an English Literature student, the Digital Humanities has certainly been a new but interesting experience for Belinda. She has enjoyed the collaborative aspect of working within the Portraying the Outsider project, and broadening her understanding of digital text analysis and the ways in which these tools can complement traditional scholarship. In terms of the Portraying the Outsider project, Belinda has been responsible for choosing the theme and style of the website, in addition to creating the home page and brief introduction to Jean Rhys and her extraordinary life. She has also been active in creating site content, such as the biographical representation of Jean Rhys in Thomas F. Stanley’s, Jean Rhys: A Critical Study, in addition to using textual analysis tools such as AntConc to generate insights into the portrayal of Jean Rhys as an outsider in The Blue Hour.


The team would like to express their warmest gratitude to the following people who contributed to the creation of this site:

Dr Anouk Lang

Dr Lang is the course organiser for our Digital Humanities class at Edinburgh University. Her knowledge, guidance, patience and enthusiasm towards this project was indispensable for everybody involved.

Tom Armitage and Ian Holmes

Tom and Ian provide support for the geo-data services at Edina. They held an illuminating QGIS workshop that has proved invaluable for the team and the content of this site.

Neil Young

Neil is a Web Content and IT Support Officer at Edinburgh University. Neil created the teams access to this WordPress site.